ARC Legacy Gifts
We will gladly assist you with ways to make a gift that is meaningful to you and has a lasting impact for Amyloidosis Research Consortium. Some options include:
ARC Legacy Funds ensure amyloidosis research has a reliable source of funding year after year.
You can create a lasting legacy through a gift or gifts that will keep research moving forward for years to come. There is no minimum gift amount required and we welcome all giving.
We will gladly assist you with ways to make a gift that is meaningful to you and has a lasting impact for Amyloidosis Research Consortium. Some options include:
You can secure the future of research, patient programs, and ARC as a whole by making a gift in your will or trust. It is one of the easiest and most popular ways to ensure that the fight against amyloidosis continues into the future. Once your loved ones are provided for, we hope you’ll consider making Amyloidosis Research Consortium a part of your Legacy.
Another meaningful way to give is to name Amyloidosis Research Consortium as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your life insurance policy. With this type of gift, ARC will receive the proceeds of your policy after your lifetime. You can change your beneficiary at any time, and this may reduce your estate taxes.
Stock donations can be a very effective, tax-efficient way to give. With this kind of gift, you can support ARC’s mission by giving stocks or mutual funds annually or as a onetime gift. After donating, you can deduct the current market value of the gift(s) from your taxes in addition to avoiding any capital gains taxes you would owe from selling these assets.
Funds in a retirement plan or IRA have yet to be taxed. When a distribution is made to a beneficiary, that person will owe federal income tax. You can leave taxable assets like retirement plans to charities you support and give other assets to loved ones. All you need to do is name Amyloidosis Research Consortium as your beneficiary.
To support ARC through Legacy Giving today please contact Grace Wampler at or +1 (617) 982-2946. We are here to help.
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